Spectrum Communications & Consulting, LLC Blog: online reviews
Let’s be honest, most customers that choose to give you a review without you asking aren’t the nicest folks—they are generally crazy customers ranting about something that went wrong. Whether it’s an angry one-legger ranting about how they don’t need their spouse to make a remodeling decision or jus...
Referral leads are well loved for a reason: they close at an unparalleled rate, and the cost-per-lead is about as low as it gets. The question is how to grow the amount of referrals you receive. A certain portion of your customers are going to refer you without you doing a thing. Picking a home serv...
Skip straight to the insights by downloading our free analysis to the right! Review stars next to your listing in Google – you’ve seen it for titanic review companies like Yelp or Home Advisor. You’ve probably even seen them for some of your biggest competitors, the national players in your industry...
Eager to jump right in and get reviews? Download our 3-Step Guide for instructions! Your reputation online is not a single, unitary thing – it isn’t just your Yelp rating or your testimonials on your own website. It is the whole panorama a customer sees when they search for you on the web. Do a...
Forty-one million searches per month. That’s how many people are looking for consumer reviews across the US. Here is a breakdown of which sites are driving that titanic search volume, so you can focus your review-gathering efforts there. The controversial customer reviews giant Yelp has been dominan...
The short answer: definitely, unequivocally YES! Business owners tend to (fairly) focus on negative reviews – but the majority of reviews on Yelp are 4 or 5 stars! The more reviews you have, the higher your star-rating tends to be, so you should aim to get as many reviews as possible. The long answe...
2015 is coming to a close and, if all went well, another successful year for your home services company is in the books. Since most people will spend the next few weeks visiting family, attending holiday parties and popping champagne, you probably don’t have too many jobs lined up, leaving you with...
For the past few months, we’ve been advocating all the wonderful ways the new Survey Tool can help your business. Have you checked it out yet? Getting started is quick and easy, and if you do have questions, you can always contact your account manager for help. More Surveys, More Reviews For those w...
Keeping up on trends and best practices in your industry should be a top concern for any quality remodeling company—and what better way to improve your own business than by learning how others have done the same thing? Recently, Remodeling Magazine released its annual report of the Top 550 remo...
Yes, you read that correctly. While the common, knee-jerk reaction is to assume that getting a negative review (or more than one) is a death-sentence for your business, it’s time to think again. Negative reviews are actually great opportunities; handle them the right way and they can do wonders to b...