According to the 2012 Social Media Marketing Industry Report:5 Social Media Facts That’ll Blow You Away  (And What They Mean For Your Business)

  1. 94% of all marketing departments use social media to market their business
  2. Nearly 60% of marketers devote 8 hours/day to maintain and develop social media
  3. 43% of people aged 20-29 spend over 10 hours a week on social media sites
  4. 85% of businesses using social media report an increase in their market exposure
  5. After 3 years of social media marketing, 58% of businesses report increases in sales over that period

Well then, what do these numbers mean? For starters, they’re indicative of the fact that social media is no longer just a trendy, passing fad.

No longer are Facebook, Twitter and Google+ or the “Powerhouse Three,” as we like to call them at Spectrum, only relevant in the collegiate arena anymore. In fact, what we should gather from these well-researched statistics is that social media has changed the way businesses market to their customers – probably forever.


The perpetual influence of social media is an undoubtedly difficult pill to swallow for some companies, especially small-to-medium sized businesses with owners that are already strapped for time as it is. Of course, different-sized companies use social media in different ways. If you fall into the “small-medium business” category, we suggest using social media to build a loyal, dedicated customer base by offering what only a local business can: personalized service. To do this effectively, you must truly understand your company’s strengths, target market and product or service niche. This will help you build your social media presence and company brand the way you want, while also getting the exposure and ultimate sales results you need.